Ten years ago on 10.04.2010 we made a very difficult decision to cancel the 8th European Run. At that time, it was possible to organize this race on a new, set date.
This year, due to the inability to determine when the epidemic threat will cease and the fact that all mass events will be canceled by the Mayor of Gniezno by the end of July 2020, we are not able to set a new, safe date for this year.
Thus, we regret to inform you that the 18th European Run will not take place this year. We decided to move our course to next year.
The new date is April 10, 2021.
It is a very difficult time for all of us and decisions to cancel events and postpone to new dates are not easy. In addition, the financial aspect is also important. We have already incurred expenditure on organizing the race planned for April 18 and we, like other organizers in Poland, are in a difficult financial situation.
We are aware that it is not easy for you, you have often paid several runs. This shows that now – as never before – understanding is needed
and solidarity, and we want to be transparent to you.
In connection with the above and the entry fee you have paid, despite the fact that, in accordance with the Regulations, it is not refundable in situations beyond the Organiser’s control, we suggest using one of the following options:
1. Reward entry fee for the 43rd Lechit Race (20/09/2020) or the 6th Gniezno Independence Race (11/11/2020)
2. Transfer of the entry fee to the new date of the European Run on April 10, 2021. (until May 15, 2020)
3. Free rewriting the starter package for another person (in person on the account on the Datasport portal until May 15, 2020)
4. If you do not want to take advantage of any of the above options, at their request the organizer will send at your expense a T-shirt from the 18th European Run.
As organizers, but also as runners, we encourage you to leave your entry fee and participate in next year’s event!
If you decide on the first option – write to May 15, 2020 to the address biuro@klubaltom.pl to which course to rewrite you.
If you decide on the second option – you do not have to do anything, after May 15, 2020 you will be automatically rewritten for next year’s European Run.
If you decide on the third option – do so on your Datasport account by May 15, 2020.
If you decide on the fourth option – by May 15, 2020 to the address biuro@klubaltom.pl send the data to which we should send the shirt, and size.
In exceptional situations, please send an email to biuro@klubaltom.pl by May 15, 2020, containing a request to refund the entry fee and confirmation of the transfer – it is necessary to verify payments (they have affected Datasport accounts) – we present this option at the end and we hope that it will be used in exceptional situations, which will give Organizers a chance to overcome the difficult financial situation related to the Run.
Due to the costs we incur, we ask that these be well-considered decisions. Requests will be considered individually. We hope to understand our situation.
We want to overcome all adversities together and come back stronger together next year!
With a friendly, running greeting – Organizers of the 18th European Run.